Some of the exercises will use a chair. Make sure the chair you are using does not have wheels. If it does, lean it against a wall or stable surface so it does not slide. If a sturdy chair is not available, we recommend that you use a sturdy desk, table or bench. For demo purposes, we will be using a chair.

Don’t forget to hydrate with water every 10–15 minutes during the workouts, especially on cardio days!
4-Way Hip
Assisted Burpee
Assisted 4-Way Hip
Assisted Half Burpee
Assisted Mountain Climber
Assisted Mountain Climber - Increased Intensity
Assisted Pushup
Body Weight Squat
Body Weight Squat with Calf Raise
Butt Kick
Chair Mountain Climber
Chair Plank
Chair Sit and Stand
Close Grip Incline Pushup
Close Grip Incline Pushup with 1-Second Pause
Concentration Curl 21
Diamond Incline Pushup
Decline Pushup
Dip - Full Extension
Dip - Modified
Forward and Backward Hop
Floating Chair
Good Morning
Full Range Shoulder Circuit
Half Dip
Good Morning with 1-Second Pause
Half-Sit with Air Punch
Hammer Curl with Isometric Hold
High Knees
Hip Hinge
Incline Pushup
Ice Skaters (Basic)
Jumping Jack
Jump Squat
Lateral Incline Pushup
Jumping Lunge
Lateral Lunge
Lateral Squat
Left Side Plank with Hip Lift
Leg Swing
Modified Jumping Jack
Pistol Squat
Power March In Place